Classmates Found
(Please check to make sure that the email address linked to your name is correct.)
Names in Green are "Found" classmates who have responded to the 2023 Mailings. Names with * = 2023 Classmate Info Form Completed;
Names in White are email addresses that may be good but haven't been confirmed.
Names in BOLD are registered for the 50th Reunion.
Classmates "Disappeared" (bad email addresses) are at the bottom of this page.
Updated 7/30/23. Maiden Names are shown in ( ).
A B- Bill Baer
- Judy (Babkiewich) Eddleman
- Patricia (Bailey) Arny
- James Bailey
- Chris (Ballinger) Hoxsey*
- Cindy (Baugus) Roylance*
- Janet (Beeble) Blake*
- Don Berger
- Becci (Bessesen) Gurski
- Margaret (Bellagamba) Fry*
- Jerrilee (Beneda) Bender
- Guy Blume
- Janet (Boe) Parker
- Hallie (Bond) Smith*
- Lynn (Bradley) Evans
- Stuart Braley*
- Bill Brayden
- Mike Brune*
- Diane Brunson*
- Joe Calomino
- Amy (Carlson) Evans*
- Louise (Capra) Eden*
- Mike Carpenter*
- Rick Castiglia
- Claudia (Cavanaugh) Vesely
- Don Cioeta
- Barb (Chau) Yee
- Patti (Cherry) Christ*
- Cindee Clark
- Dan Clark
- Mike Clark
- Leigh (Clayburn) Mangnall
- Dave Conover*
- Holly (Corning) Knight*
- Ken Covington*
- Jim Curley
- Mark Curtis
- Patrick Cusick*
- Michelle (Eafanti) Moody
- Ray Eddleman
- Carol Eikleberry
- Elaine Eaker-Rinehart
- Dave Easter
- Caroline Evans*
- Bob Fielding*
- Marilynn Force
- Kevin Forey
- Dave Forson
- Joan Forsberg*
- Sharon (Frank) Edwards
- Tammi Franklin*
- Don Franks
- Dan Frantz
- Terry Frei*
H- Brooks (Heard) Temple
- Bill Hastie
- Jennie (Heberlee) Jones*
- Mark Henderson
- Chuck Higgins
- Renee (Hildebrand) Hornbecker
- Janie (Hillenburg) Roos*
- Kirk Hoffman*
- Kirk Holmboe
- Carl Hoover*
- Jim Huff
- Sally (Humble) Goodnight
- Audrey (Hutchens) Stovall*
- Kerri (Kelley) Rayburn
- Bruce Kennedy
- Patricia (Kiplinger) Stenger*
- David Kittinger
- Diane (Kordzeil) Harvey
- Kandie (Kunz) Barber*
- Steve Larson
- Dwain Lentz*
- Doug Lewis
- Gina (Little) Ashby*
- Cynthia (Livingston) Knoebel
- Janet (Lowe) Weems*
- Bobbie (Lunt) McHenry*
- Beth (Lucore) Sherry
- Mary (Lyth) McPherson*
- John Macaluso
- Patty (Machuga) Hannigan
- Bill Maffeo
- Linda Maich*
- Ray Makatura
- Becky (McCormick) Magnotta*
- Rick McCoy
- Mike McNeil
- Tom McSherry
- Kristi (McVey) Mallow*
- John McVicker
- Spencer Meister
- Lisa (Metsopoulos) Norris*
- Debby Miller
- Debra Kay (Miller) McVicker*
- Debbie (Mock) Bennett
- Skip Mondragon
- Teresa (Moreland) Reimers
- Shawna (Morthole) Pickett*
- Alan Morgan
- Joy (Munson) Klein*
- Peter Mullineaux*
- Cheryl (Mumford) McPherson*
- Jeff Murray
- Lora Mustoe*
P- Mary Lou (Paches) Schwab
- Terry (Patten) Thoeming
- Dennis Pearson
- Linda (Perko) Thompson*
- Vic Perrella
- Randy Pietro
- John JD Pinkston
- Sydney (Pool) York*
- Dave Purdy
- Shelley (Ramer) Carroll*
- Ron Ragan
- Chuck Rasey*
- Beth (Rich) Karlberg*
- Dennis Ridley
- Kent Rinne*
- Darci Richardson
- Scott Richardson
- Don Roberts*
- Scott Robinson
- Ed Robinson
- Jamie (Ryan) Birky
- Jeff Sanzolone*
- Vic Schendel
- Debbie Schreck
- Robin Schurman*
- Brooke (Selby) Dillon*
- Linda (Shrake) Crocker
- Wayne Sieck*
- Julie (Shaffroth) Olinger
- Brian Shamy
- Maureen (Shaw) Keirnes
- Victoria Skiver
- Kevin Smith
- Steve Smith
- Glenn Sonnenberg*
- Sharon (Sorensen) Fightmaster
- Lynn Soukup
- Tom Staatz
- Mike Stephens*
- Cathy Strange*
- Sue (Streufort) Rancis*
- Debbie (Stubert) Fry
- Randy Syme*
- Brian Trout*
- John Teilborg
- Valerie (Thielman) Tinsley
- Anne-Marie Thiret
- Becky (Tinan) Brune*
- Pat Tinsley
- Steve Turner
- Dawn Wadsworth*
- Priscilla Waggoner
- Lynn (Walker) Barczuk
- Cathi Walsh
- Wendy (Walker) Erich
- Laura (Watkins) Schwartz
- Diane (Weems) Zemkoski
- Dave Werges*
- Dave Winslow*
- Paulette (Wollbrinck) Maness
- Ellen (Woodruff) Benson
- Dave Wyatt
Classmates Disappeared
Classmates below have either:
- do not have email,
- have not submitted an email address,
- have changed their email since the last reunion,
- or have requested that their email address not be published.
If your name is below and you would like to provide your updated contact info to be published here, email or fill out the Classmate Information Form.
- Jeff Airhart
- Mark Anema
- Peter Anderson
- Steve Arge
- Mike Atz
- James Bailey
- Debbie Behlke
- Janet Blake
- Gary Breaux
- Loraine (Campbell) Shaffron
- Roland Chardi
- Kathy (Corrigan) Bird
- Dan Clark
- Annette (Clum) Agren
- Debbi Dinius
- Thama (Dillon) Judy
- Linda (Eddy) Stolte
- Sharon (Edin) Bruce
- John Ellingson
- Marla (Hoehner) Danner
- Holly Houston
- Patrice Hovorka
- Ron James
- Dave Jump
- Kathy (Kendall) Deman
- Fred Koch
- Nancy (Lowe) Nicholls
- Yvonnee (Paschell) Miller
- Dan Powell
- Steve Reiquam
- Chris Seipp
- Mike Shanahan
- Steve Squire
- Mark Southwell
- Leroy Thompson
- Chuck Trucker
- Pat Underwood
- Lisa (Vinyard) Cadwell
- Cary Wasmund
- Kitryn Weir
- Debbie (White) Kistler
- Enid (Vaag) Wood